The 1st International Insurance Distribution Conference in Sendai, 2012

The 1st International Insurance Distribution Conference
in Sendai, 2012

Creating a bright future using experiences through information-sharing

Date:September 26 (Wed) & 27 (Thu), 2012
Venue:Tachibana Conference Hall, Sendai International Center (Aobayama, Aoba-ku, Sendai City)
Organizer:Insurance Section, Junior Chamber International Japan
Sponsor:The General Insurance Association of Japan and
the Life Insurance Association of Japan

Our world has various risks, some of which have actually brought great, wide-ranging destruction, such as disasters,terrorism, and new strains of influenza. The damage and influence of those events have become greater year by year.We believe that it is possible to prevent people from being victimized by similar damages, or even if such occur, toreduce the severity of the damage by conveying and sharing the expertise, knowledge, and wisdom gained from such tragic experiences with those who have not yet fallen victim to them. For this reason, we must not waste ourexperience of being a victim to any of those disastrous situations. Furthermore, with regard to insurance, we believe that it is possible to react quickly by sharing the experience of paying and developing relevant types of disaster insurance, a reaction which turns out to be beneficial to consumers. The International Insurance Distribution Conference, as an opportunity for sharing experiences of disasters that occur around the world, aims to continuously improve the response level for disaster situations through information sharing in both pre-disaster measures and in times of disaster, and to enhance the societal value of people related to insurance distribution. In this conference, we specifically would like to share information from the experiences of those who have been involved in Japanese insurance distribution related to the Great East Japan Earthquake.

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第1回 国際保険流通会議 in 仙台 2012

第一回 国際保険流通会議 in 仙台 2012

日時 : 2012 年9月26日(水)・27日(木)
会場 : 仙台国際センター 大会議室「橘」 仙台市青葉区青葉山無番地
主催 : 日本青年会議所 保険部会
後援 : 一般社団法人 日本損害保険協会・社団法人 生命保険協会


26 日 日本が経験したことを知り、考える
9 : 00 受付開始
10:00 主催者ご挨拶
10:10 宮城県知事 村井嘉浩 氏 ご挨拶(予定)
10:30 陸上自衛隊東北方面総監部 ご講演
12:00 昼食
13:00 (公社)仙台青年会議所
    直前理事長 齋藤孝志 氏 ご講演
14:00 東北地域保険代理店パネルディスカッション
     代表取締役 森雅志 氏
     代表取締役専務 早川佳洋 氏
     PA 推進部 統括部長 吉川敬 氏
     ・みやぎ生活協同組合 サービス保障事業部長
     専務取締役 尾川輝敏 氏
     ・(株)谷地保険事務所 谷地保 氏
16:30 一日目終了
19:00 懇親会
27 日 保険業界を考える
9:00 受付開始
10:00 (社)日本損害保険協会 
     常務理事 栗山泰史 氏
     企画部長 久津名雅士 氏
12:00 昼食
13:00 復興庁 復興推進委員 横山英子 氏
14:00 ロイズ・ジャパン(株)  
    代表取締役社長 イアン ファーガソン 氏
15:15 他地域・他国からの情報発信
16:15 閉会挨拶

一般  ¥12,000  部会メンバー  ¥10,000 
(2 日間の参加費、昼食代含む)
※懇親会に参加される方は別途¥7,000 がかかります。

≫ 第一回国際保険流通会議のご案内・申込書

≫ お問い合わせフォーム